"Latin American and Caribbean Fall" - Edition 2018

The “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival in 2018 took place under the thematic framework of “Inclusion and Participation of Women”. The Festival enjoyed the participation of 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries, namely Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Cuba.

These countries, together with Germany, Portugal, Spain, and Israel, and 34 civil society associations managed to organise a total of 86 events. The EU-LAC Foundation participated in seven events, among others, the Inauguration Ceremony and Conferences on, for example, “Decolonizing one’s own culture?”.

The 2018 edition of the “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival overshadows even the remarkable success of the 2017 edition by organising more events and incorporating more countries and organisations. Additionally, the number of visitors increased by approximately 2.500, indicating the interest and success of the Festival.