"Latin American and Caribbean Fall" - Edition 2017

In 2017, the EU-LAC Foundation coordinated the “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival for the first time. The Festival in 2017 took place under the motto of “Migrants and Travellers” and consisted of 73 activities.

Mexico, with a total of 15 activities was the country with the largest contribution of events. Additional countries that took part in the Festival were Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago as well as Cuba. Additionally, six activities presented topics related to migration from a German perspective. The EU-LAC Foundation itself was involved in the organization of six events, including the Opening Ceremony in collaboration with the Senate of Hamburg.

The 2017 edition of the “Latin American and Caribbean Fall” Festival showed important progress towards the development and growth of the project since its inception in 2014. It brought together many organisations, and the number of events increased significantly.