LASA Congress - Socio-Environmental Polarisation and Great Power Rivalry

The LASA Virtual Congress, entitled "Socio-environmental Polarisation and Great Power Rivalry", will take place from 5-8 May 2022. Throughout this Congress, the organisers intend to analyse some of the greatest challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean in the 21st century, specifically three of them that are intimately linked: environmental destruction and climate change, socio-economic polarisation, and the rivalry between great powers that in one way or another affect the region.

The aim of the Congress is to make contributions that account for both environmental destruction and the new models and practices that allow for its transcendence. It will also address the socio-economic polarisation that has unfortunately always been one of the most distinctive features of the region and has been exacerbated in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, with respect to the China-US rivalry, the Congress will seek to address the following question: How should Latin American and Caribbean countries deal with this rivalry in a way that minimises conflict and maximises the advantages for their populations?

In order to contribute to the analysis and dialogue between experts from Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe to achieve the proposed goals of this Congress, the EU-LAC Foundation will support the following panels and round tables: 

  • PANEL "A green deal for whom? The promises and pitfalls of EU-LAC sustainable commodity chains in the wake of global transformations" - Part 1 (5 May, 21:00-22:30 CEST);
  • PANEL "A green deal for whom? The promises and pitfalls of EU-LAC sustainable commodity chains in the wake of global transformations" - Part 2 (5 May, 23:00-00:30 CEST)
  • PANEL "The relationship between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean: extra-regional interests and contemporary agendas" (7 May, 17:00-18:30 CEST)
  • ROUND TABLE: "The (post-)COVID-19 world: a paradigm shift?  (7 May, 21:00-22:30 CEST)

Access the agendas of the panels and the round table in the attachment.