IX Jean Monnet Chair International Seminar

The University of Externado, in Bogotá, Colombia, will celebrate the IX Jean Monnet Chair International Seminar on the 22th and 23rd October 2014, where national and foreign researchers will have the opportunity of exposing and debating their different political, legal, historical and interdisciplinarian points of view on the subjects of European integration and Latin America.

This seminar is concieved as a contribution to further develop the understanding about the different regional integration processes we are witnessing. The main subject of the seminar will be the contribution of economic integration to the development of regional peace. We welcome all kind of lectures which stress this point.

All those who would like to participate in the seminar are welcome to confirm their participation by sending a first abstract (between 100 and 150 words) of their lectura and a second one about their academic profile to the email jeanmonnet@uexternado.edu.co

The lectures must be presented in the terms you will find in our webpage before the 16th May 2014.

The University of Externado will cover the lodging and meal expenses during the seminar for all those participants whose lectures were approved by the unpartial committee. Travel expenses are not included.

For further information please click here