IV EU-LAC Art Sessions: Connecting Cultures

The EU-LAC Foundation in collaboration with the Hamburg’s City Hall and the Jamaican National Building Society Foundation (JN Foundation), organises the fourth event of the series EU-LAC Art Sessions - Connecting Cultures. This edition will present the photography exhibition Out of Many, One Jamaica, produced under the Resolution Project, which offers young people from rural Jamaica avenues to express their concerns using photography.

The Out of Many, One Jamaica depicts day-to-day life in Jamaica from young people’s lenses and contributes to breaking stereotypes much embedded in the foreigners’ imagination about this country. The exhibition will be on display at Hamburg’s City Hall from the 25th of April to the 19th of May within the framework of the European Week 2016 (Europawoche 2016) in Hamburg. Afterwards, the photography exhibition will be presented at the EU-LAC Foundation’s Headquarters on the 26th May during the “Long Evening of the Consulates”, event organised by the City of Hamburg on a yearly basis in which the Foundation actively participates since 2013.

The photographies can be adquired through an auction which will be held between April 25th and May 28th 2016 until 12pm. The start bid for one of the photos is at €100. If you are interesting, please submit your bid to info@eulacfoundation.org with the reference “Auction" during the time period indicated. For more information, please click here.

For the full programme of the European Week, please visit the offical leaflet here (only in German).