
interns 2024

From left to right: Andrés Mazuelos (Perú), Agathe Lafond (Francia) and Maria Vitória Catharino (Brasil)

In four cycles per year, the EU-LAC Foundation offers three-month internships to university students who are citizens of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) at its head office in Hamburg, Germany, giving them the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge of the bi-regional EU-LAC Strategic Partnership and to gain first-hand experience in the work environment of a dynamic international organisation. 

Check the testimonials from our former interns here! 

Tasks and responsibilities

Interns assist the Foundation's team in their daily work processes and tasks, offering them the opportunity to have relevant experience in the execution of activities related to:

Internship Cycles/Duration

Internship cycles at the Foundation usually last three months and are carried out in four cycles per year. For each cycle there is an application period.

Internship Cycles

Application period

23/09 – 13/12/2024

03/06 - 04/08/2024

13/01 — 04/04/2025 


  • Internships must cover the entirety of a cycle. In the event that, due to university requirements, internships must last longer than three months, please note that the Foundation does not have the possibility of extending the duration of the internship. Thank you for your comprehension.

Internship conditions

Since the internships take place in Hamburg, students from Latin America and the Caribbean who are currently enrolled in this region must take care of the entry visa regulations well in advance at the respective German embassy in their home country. The EU-LAC Foundation is not responsible for the issuing of visas.  

Due to travel restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, students must prove, prior to application, the possibility to travel to Hamburg.

Students must cover the cost of travel from their place of origin to Hamburg, as well as take care of their visa arrangements or any other travel-related requirements. Once selected, they will be given important information on how to organise their stay in the city.

Each student intern will receive a stipend of €538 per full month, to contribute to their accommodation, food and local transport costs in Hamburg. In case the beginning and/or the end of the internship does not cover the full month, these months will be paid proportionally to the days worked.

The selected students may, at the same time, apply for external scholarships in coordination with the responsible unit of their university, provided that availability as a full-time intern (8 hours per day) is guaranteed.

Formal/mandatory requirements for applicants:

  • All applicants must be university students who are citizens of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an academic programme, up to the date of the end of the internship period;
  • The study programme must contain the completion of an internship or foresee a requirement to acquire professional experience*;
  • Eligible candidates must be studying at Master's level or be in the final year of their Bachelor's degree;
  • Eligible disciplines are: Political Science, International Relations, Diplomacy, European and/or Latin American Studies, Gender Studies, Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, Sustainable Development, Development Cooperation, Communication, Public Affairs and information, Journalism, Media Studies and Digital Marketing.
  • Professional proficiency in English and Spanish. Knowledge of German and other languages of the Foundation's membership would be an asset.

Expected requirements:

  • Demonstrate, in the motivation letter, knowledge, practical experience and/or interest in EU-LAC relations.
  • Demonstrate in the curriculum advanced competences in:
    • analysis, research, and formulation of texts,
    • database management (bibliographic, Excel format, web page)
    • knowledge in the area and tools of communication (web page, social media, newsletters, blogs, photo and video design and editing software, mass mailing platforms) 
    • knowledge of operating systems (Ms Office, Mac, Firefox), software and programmes relevant to the implementation of projects and activities (Google Analytics, Zoom/WebEx/Teams, Google Surveys/Survey Monkey)
    • experience in teamwork, especially in a multicultural and multilingual environment.

The completed application must include the following documentation:

  1. Letter of Motivation in English or Spanish indicating the reasons why you wish to carry out your internship at the EU-LAC Foundation, knowledge, experience and/or interest in bi-regional relations and the specific period for which you are applying;
  2. Curriculum Vitae in English or Spanish; clearly indicating your skills and knowledge according to the competences detailed above.
  3. Application Form
  4. Certificate of enrolment from the University - which must make it clear that you are enrolled at the University for the duration of the internship;
  5. Confirmation that an internship or the acquisition of relevant professional experience form part of the study programme;
  6. Academic transcript from the University of the programme you are studying;
  7. Documents proving language competences mastered.

Sending your application 

Please send your application by the dates indicated in the previous section on internships and application deadlines, to, with the Subject: Internship application for the period from month x to month x (indicating the months as appropriate to your application). The application submission is expected to consist ideally of two documents: the pdf - ideally unified - and the duly completed excel.

Due to the high number of applications, only applications sent by the deadline with complete documentation will be considered, and we will only contact successful candidates, who will be notified no later than two weeks after the closing date.

The EU-LAC Foundation is an equal opportunity employer. We particularly invite students from sub-regions that are under-represented in our internship programme to apply, especially countries from the Caribbean, Central America as well as Eastern and Northern Europe. 

The EU-LAC Foundation is seeking applicants from all fields of study and professional experience. There is a particular need for interns with proven experience and interest in community management and communication processes.

*For those interested, this internship can be considered as part of the Erasmus+ Traineeship. For this, please refer to the necessary documentation provided by your respective University/Study programme.