International Conference Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for EU-Latin America and Caribbean Relations


The EU-LAC Foundation has the honour to announce the International Conference "Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for EU-LAC Relations", that will take place on 9 November in Barcelona. This event is the result of close collaboration between the EU-LAC Foundation and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) in Argentina and the Barcelona Centre for International Information and Documentation (CIDOB). The event will be held in person at the CIDOB headquarters (Carrer Elisabets 12, Sala Maragall).

The conference presents an invaluable opportunity to explore the complexities of food security in the context of EU-LAC relations. The event is structured around a key question: what are the challenges and opportunities for the bi-regional relationship in the framework of food security? This question will be addressed by people with expertise and experience in the academic and scientific fields, mostly from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, who will share their knowledge and points of view in order to create a space for dialogue and specialised exchange.

The event is part of the VI Annual Call for Co-organising Events on topics relevant to the bi-regional partnership between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. This call seeks to establish collaborations with institutions and organisations in order to carry out events focused on three specific areas considered priorities in the framework of the bi-regional relationship: green transition, digital transformation and food security.

As a final product of the event, the co-organising institutions will prepare a digital publication gathering the contributions, perspectives and conclusions that emerged during the Conference. This publication will be a valuable source of information and an essential resource for experts, academics and policy makers, as well as for civil society actors interested in the complexities, challenges and opportunities presented by food security in the framework of EU-LAC relations.

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