International Colloquium: Which kind of universities does the 21st century need? From the student reform of Cordoba (1918) to the Guadalajara proposal (2017)

The International Colloquium “Which kind of universities does the 21st century need? From the student reform of Cordoba (1918) to the Guadalajara proposal (2017)” will take place in the ambit of the International Conference of the National [o1] Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES) to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The Colloquium will address, almost 100 years after the student reform of Cordoba, the need of rethink the role of the universities not only as training centres of competent professionals, but also as institutions that promote the critical thinking with a global and interdisciplinary perspective.  

The President of EU-LAC Foundation, Mr. Leonel Fernández, will discuss the topic with the Rector of the University of Guadalajara, Mr. Tonatiuh Bravo, and the Rector of the University of Cordoba, Mr. Hugo Juri.  

The Colloquium is organised by  the Research Institute for Latin American Studies of the University of Alcala and the University of Guadalajara.

For further information, please visit the official website (available only in Spanish)