Institutional and regulatory foundations for the establishment of the European, Latin American and Caribbean Area for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation

The report “Institutional and regulatory foundations for the establishment of the European, Latin American and Caribbean Area for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation” is the result of the collaboration efforts between the EU-LAC Foundation, FLACSO Spain and the University of Salamanca, supported by the Government of Spain, with the aim of systemising empirical evidence about factors that favoured the integration of a bi-regional space for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.

The analysis conducted seeks to become an instrument to deepen the knowledge between both regions and contribute to the research, design and implementation of interdisciplinary inter-institutional cooperation programs in the medium and long term, to promote the implementation of the aforementioned common space. To that end, an investigation has been done on the gathering and structuring of information relating to the institutional and legal elements in which higher education and the different science, technology and innovation public systems are framed, in the countries included in this analysis.

The study, structured into ten chapters, comprises Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela. Furthermore, there is a special segment dedicated to the same elements in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Thus, most of this report corresponds with the analysis of systems of Higher Education and Science and Technology in Latin American and Caribbean States. European countries have implemented a unified structure in 1999 with the EHEA as the result of this process.