The Industrial Maps of Latin America. Italian companies and investment opportunities: The case of Colombia”

The EU-LAC Foundation, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the SME Observatory Foundation (FOP), with the sponsorship of the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (UNIONCAMERE), the Embassy of Colombia in Italy and Formiche, organize the Seminar "Industrial Maps of Latin America. Italian Companies and Investment Opportunities: The Case of Colombia".

This Atlas is the result of the second phase of the Industrial Maps of Latin America and the Caribbean (MIALC) project supported by the EU-LAC Foundation and co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy (MAECI), in collaboration with the Presidential Cooperation Agency of Colombia (APC) and the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE).

The publication of the Atlas of Industrial Geography of Colombia is part of the Foundation's ongoing commitment to support the strategic partnership agenda between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean for the strengthening of entrepreneurship and bi-regional competitiveness.

The Atlas provides technical information based on the scientific-statistical methodology developed by the "Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desarrollo Económico, Territorio e Instituciones" (CIDETI) of the University of Bologna and by the FOP and is validated by the most important international journals in the sector.

The seminar will focus on the Atlas' benefits to coordinate productive development between the public and private sector, at territorial and micro-territorial levels, as well as, international cooperation actions.

The event will take place at Auditorium Unioncamere - Sala Danilo Longhi - Piazza Sallustio, 21 - Roma, Italy. To participate it is necessary to write to: