Inauguration of the “Latin America and the Caribbean Fall Festival”

The "Lateinamerika Herbst" Festival takes place every year in Hamburg since 2014. It aims to enhance knowledge and visibility of Latin America and the Caribbean through a wide array of events.

For the third year in a row, the EU-LAC Foundation acts as coordinator of the activities, with the support of the City of Hamburg and the Embassies of Latin American and the Caribbean states in Berlin and their Consulates in Hamburg. 

The central theme of the 2019 edition is "Science & Knowledge" and the inauguration will be held in two events.  

Inauguration I

Date: September 23 2019

Time: 18:00h

Place: Guest House of the Senate of Hamburg (Schöne Aussicht 26)

Inauguration II

Date: September 24 2019

Time: 10:00h

Place: Rathaus (for the opening of the Youth and Participation Seminar)