III EU-LAC Youth Days

eu lac youth days

Watch the recordings of the first day on YouTube!

Watch the recording of the second day on YouTube!

Read the report of the event here!

The EU-LAC Foundation in collaboration and with the support of the European Union was pleased to present the III European Union (EU) - Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Youth Days, which were held at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, on 15-16 November 2022. The languages of the event were English and Spanish. Plenary sessions, including panels, were translated into both languages and the event was held in a hybrid format to facilitate virtual access to the sessions.

In continuity with the successful first two editions held in Quito (Ecuador, 2015) and Zaragoza (Spain, 2018), this third edition of the EU-LAC Youth Days resumed the process of exchange and dialogue between young people from both regions.

The objective was to provide a platform for constructive and significant dialogues that involve young people from both regions in reflecting on the future of bi-regional relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union, and thereby providing ideas for the future. In this framework, common challenges and opportunities, linked to issues such as youth participation, advocacy and involvement, education, employment, social cohesion, and green and digital transitions were discussed.

This activity was part of the European Year of Youth 2022, which highlights the importance of European youth in building a more prosperous, sustainable and inclusive future and was also aligned with the Latin American and Caribbean Youth Council initiative of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. In turn, it coincided with the new Youth Action Plan (YAP) in EU external action (2022-2027) launched in October of this year, which seeks to build a strategic partnership with young people and create spaces and opportunities for them to participate in policy formulation and decision-making.

Grupo de trabajo inglés.jpeg
Plenaria final 1.jpeg