II EU-LAC Awards Ceremony

The II EU-LAC Awards Ceremony will be held on July 16th in Brussels.The EU-LAC Awards were established by the EU-LAC Foundation in 2015 with the aim to promote visibility of the bi-regional ties and promote examples of civil society best practices. The Awards will be presented out within the framework of the EU-CELAC Ministerial Meeting.

Winners for Young Journalists category

Cristina Belda Font - Spain (candidature of the European Union), for the article “The role of the EU-LAC Foundation as a platform to project EU, Latin American and the Caribbean people-to-people ties into future”.

Maria Claúdia  Silva- Brazil (candidature of Latin America and the Caribbean), for the article “Tracking wires that connect us: the growing importance of ICT for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean bi-regional cooperation”.

Winner’s for Citizens´ Initiative category: CIVICS and LA Network Foundation

The CIVICS map, driven by the Civic Innovation project of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), in collaboration with the Civic Initiative Incubator (VIC), is an interactive, digital tool, which serves to project and engage a collective, life-changing potential in urban life.

Date: Monday, 16th July

Time: 16.00h

Venue: Press centre of the Council of the European Union-

 Justus Lipsius building

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 

Brussels- Belgium

 For more information, please read the Press Release on the EU-LAC Awards Ceremony