II EU- CELAC Academic Summit

In the framework of the 2d Summit EU-CELAC (VIII EU-LAC Summit) scheduled for the 10 - 11 June 2015 in Brussels, the Second EU-CELAC Academic Summit will be held in Brussels on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 June 2015 and will be welcomed by the European Parliament, the Real Egmont Institute for International Relations and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels–Flanders).

This second Academic Summit is coordinated by a Belgian Local Organizing Committee and the Executive Secretariat of the Permanent Academic Forum EU-LAC, with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation. The organizers invite all academic institutions and persons from higher education level (universities, higher Schools, research Centers and Networks) from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean to participate to this Second Academic Summit in Brussels on the 8 and 9 June 2015

Following the Santiago Declaration, the main purpose of this Academic Summit EU-CELAC, is to feed a broad, open, bottom-up process which gives a direct voice to the academic communities of both regions in order to spur the design of operational ways and concrete policies for implementing a "Euro-Latin American-Caribbean space for higher education, science, technology and innovation", considering that these activities “should be a cornerstone of the Strategic Partnership for Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union".

The results the works made in the preparatory seminaries in Bucharest and Guadalajara will be debated and extended during the Brussels Academic Summit in order to agree upon conclusions to deliver to the Heads of State and Government during their VIII EU-CELAC Summit.

For more information about the preparation of this Academic Summit, its logistic (hotel reservations have to be done as soon as possible for fears of lack of rooms during these heavy days) and for making your registration on line at the latest for the 17th of May 2015, please go to http://www.americasportal.eu/content/academic-summit-2015