II Compilation of EU-LAC Webinars on COVID-19

This report presents a second written compilation of the series of webinars organised by the EU-LAC Foundation addressing the effects of COVID-19: EU-LAC Webinars.

This report is based on the six webinars that took place between the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. The videos are available in full length on the EU-LAC Foundation website. The report is structured in six different chapters, each reflecting the content of a webinar. However, the content is not organised according to the original structure of the webinars and individual presentations, but according to general themes analysed by the panellists.

In turn, these seminars were organised as part of the EU-LAC Foundation's mandate to strengthen and promote the bi-regional strategic partnership, enhancing its visibility and encouraging the active participation of the respective civil societies. All this with the mission to promote the development of a joint and dynamic global vision and a shared strategy in both regions, as well as to disseminate knowledge to improve mutual understanding and visibility of both regions and of the bi-regional partnership itself.

The EU-LAC Foundation appreciates and thanks the work of its interns Lea Reinhardt, Carolina Wolf and Federica Giordani. They were responsible for listening carefully to the webinars, compiling the content, preparing the draft of the final report and translating it.