Ibero-American Foundation for Education, Science and Culture

Ibero-American Foundation for Education, Science and Culture (FUNDIBER) is a private and nonprofit Spanish organisation dedicated in developing educational, cultural, science and technological programs. It encourages education, science, technology and culture in the context of development, democracy and regional integration. Forms of Action Participation and cooperation in the development of public and private entities activities, that do activities related or complementary to the ones of the Foundation. Cooperation and technical assistance for the design and development of projects. Creation of studies, publication, courses, conferences, etc. Creation of publications, expositions and other cultural and educational activities. Objetives : 1. Cooperar con la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, en el desarrollo de los fines que se citan en este mismo artículo. 1. Cooperate with the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture, in the development of the objectives cited in this article. 2. Contribute in strengthening knowledge, mutual understanding, integration, solidarity and peace between ibero-american towns through education, science, technology and culture. 3. Collaborate with institutions or entities in the action or that supports the consolidation of democracy and the opening of new spaces for citizen participation, sustainable development and economic and social growth in equal conditions and without destruction to the environment, the processes of regional and subregional cultural integration. 4. Promote and cooperate with institutions and entities in the activities oriented in elevating the levels of education, science, technology and culture. 5. Strengthen education as a valid and possible alternative to the construction of peace, through the preparation of the people to be responsible in freedom, solidarity, protection of human rights and changes that make a more just Ibero-America 6. Stimulate and suggest measurements that allow ibero-american town to aspire for their educational, cultural, scientific and technological integration. 7. Promote the link of education, science, technology and culture with the development, understanding that it's for the service of its population and distributing resources equally. 8. Cooperate with institutions and entities that make sure of the inclusion of the educational process in the historical cultural context of iberoamerican towns, respecting the common identity and the cultural plurality of the Iberoamerican community of great variety and richness. 9. Contribute to the diffusion of spanish and portuguese language and the perfectioning of methods and techniques to teach it as well as its conservations and preservation in the cultural minorities residing in other countries. 10. Strengthen the educational, technological scientific and cultural exchange and promote within all iberoamerican countries their experiences and results obtained with each one of them 11. Strengthen information and documentation services about educational, technological scientific and cultural development in iberoamerican countries. 12. Guide and advise people and organisations interested in educational, technological scientific and cultural topics. 13. Create and organise congresses, conferences, seminars and other meetings about educational, technological scientific and cultural topics and participate in those which it is invited. 14. Collaborate in the preparation of texts and educational material and the formation of didactic criteria adjusted to the spirit and reality to iberoamerican towns. 15. Cooperate with the institutions and entities of iberoamerican countries in the creation of their educational, technological scientific and cultural plans, and collaborate especially in the perfectioning and coordination of their technical services 16. Promote the creation and coordination of organizations, associations and other national, regional or international entities related to the different educational levels and the diverse aspects of the educational, technological scientific and cultural life in iberoamerican countries. 17. Create specialised centers, create institutions and establishments and other entities and organisms of investigation, documentation, exchange, information and diffusion of educational, technological scientific and cultural material. 18. Strengthen the exchange of people in the educational, technological scientific and cultural environment and establish adequate support mechanisms. 19. Stimulate and support the scientific and technological investigation, especially when it's related to the national priorities of integral development 20. Stimulate the intellectual and artistic creations, the exchange of cultural goods and reciprocal relation between the different cultural iberoamerican regions. 21. Support the education for peace and international understanding. Disseminate historic and cultural roots of the Iberoamerican community, both from within and externally.
Geographical level
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Governance, Political Affairs
Justice and Human Rights
Higher Education
Education for work
Science, Research and Innovation
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Affairs

40.4370661, -3.7040581

Calle Bravo Murillo, 38
+34 915 94 43 82
+34 915 94 32 86
Relevant Projects
Educational, cultural, citizenship, human rights projects. Co-financed by the European Union
Technical Advice