I EU-LAC Congress of Media Editors

The EU-LAC Foundation, the Asociación Nacional de la Prensa de Chile and the Government of Chile are co-organizing the I EU-LAC Congress of Media Editors, to take place in Santiago from 26 to 29 November 2012. The Congress is intended to stimulate the interest of opinion-markers in the bi-regional partnership and facilitate the information required in order to provide high-quality coverage of the partnership, with a particular view to the upcoming EU-LAC Summit of Heads of State and Government in January 2013. The background of the Congress is rooted in the fact that despite the realization of six intergovernmental summits since 1999 and the emergence of a range of forums uniting a diverse range of bodies from both societies, media coverage of the bi-regional process in general and the EU-LAC Summits in particular has been mostly anecdotal.

The event thus seeks to provide an environment that will increase opinion markers understanding of the bi-regional process from the perspective of its historical evolution and of the potential offered by the relation between two regions that share principles and values that should allow them to construct a shared global vision. Furthermore, the Congress will provide a first step in the establishment of a bi-regional Network of Opinion-Markers to accompany and interact with the Summit process, and in providing high-level representatives of information and opinion media from both regions with a space to exchange opinions on the partnership between the European Union, Latin America and Caribbean.

Please find more information about the event on its website at www.eulacmedia.com