I EU-LAC Academic Summit

On 22 and 23 January 2013 the I LAC-EU Academic Summit took place in Santiago de Chile. Universidad Central de Chile, CELARE and the Institut des Amériques organized the event with the cooperation of the EU-LAC Foundation and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of France and Chile.

The Summit brought together academics and representatives of universities, research centres and scientific networks from both regions, few days prior to the I EU-CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government. The Final Declaration of the Academic Summit includes several suggestions to the Heads of State and Government concerning higher education, science and technology.

One of the Declaration’s proposals, formulated in the Lima Act during the second preparatory meeting in October 2012, suggested the creation of a Permanent EU-LAC Academic Forum. The latter will have to establish continuity and promotion of the bi-regional activities and will contribute to the preparation of the next Academic Summits, open to all academic institutions from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union that wish to participate and that work on topics such as higher education, science, technology, research and innovation, cooperating closely with the EU-LAC Foundation.

To read the Final Declaration, please click here

To visit the Summit’s official webpage, please click here