How to generate employability for youth? Innovative experiences of alternate training in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union

The book presents thirteen case studies from Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union (EU) showing different innovations in the field of vocational education and training (VET). All the cases are characterized by the implementation of trajectories aimed at linking the dimension of school knowledge and practical knowledge as a way of making work experience a vertebral principle of curricular development, which brings undoubted benefits to the training of young people by making it more complete and comprehensive.

The set of case studies shows that the integration of training and work is an effective pedagogical method and, at the same time, a valid strategy to promote the access of young people to the labor market, as well as their better insertion in the workplace. The initial chapter of the book proposes a theoretical reflection on work/training alternation and its implications for education and employment policies; the final chapter systematizes the thirteen experiences that are the object of the case studies and proposes some conclusions.