Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020

Book Title
Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020
Year of Publication
OECD/The World Bank
OECD Publishing
Country of Publication
ISBN 978-92-64-69289-3 (print) ISBN 978-92-64-83524-5 (pdf)
Civil Society
Health inequalities
Health expenditure
health financing
Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 compares key indicators for population health and health systems across the 33 LAC countries. It builds on the format used in other editions of Health at a Glance, including the versions for the OECD member and partner countries, and the regional editions for Asia-Pacific and Europe. It presents comparable data on health status and its determinants, health care resources and activities, health expenditure and financing, and health care quality, along with selected health inequality indicators. This is the first LAC regional edition of Health at a Glance and was prepared jointly by the OECD Health Division in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs and the World Bank, led by Cristian A. Herrera from the OECD Health Division and Tomás Plaza-Reneses from the World Bank, with close collaboration from Gabriel Di Paolantonio from the OECD Health Division.
The production of Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 would not have been possible without the contribution from LAC countries that either provided data directly to the OECD or the World Bank, or supplied the data contained in this publication to other international organisations, such as the Pan American Health Organisation or the World Health Organization. After a revision round of the publication’s draft with LAC countries, we acknowledge the responses and comments received from Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico. The authors wish to thank the valuable inputs and support received from Frederico Guanais, Deputy Head of the OECD Health Division, and Michele Gragnolati from the World Bank. The report benefited from thorough comments and suggestions from Ian Forde, Aakash Mohpal and Jeremy Veillard from the World Bank. From the OECD, we acknowledge the contributions from Stefano Scarpetta, Mark Pearson, Francesca Colombo, Rie Fujisawa and Niek Klazinga from the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, from Sebastian Nieto, Paula Cerutti and Juan Vazquez from the LAC Unit of the Development Centre, and the support from Jose Antonio Ardavin from the Division for LAC of the Global Relations Secretariat. We thank Claudia Allemani and Michel Coleman for their comments on the cancer survival section. Lucy Hulett (OECD) helped with the formatting and editing of the publication.