Fundación Asngar

Ansgar Foundation is a non-profit foundation whose sole objective is the promotion of sustainable development of the one promoted by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and Climate Change Conferences. We do it through 3 fields of action:
(a) as external advisors to organizations to guide them towards a management that is sustainable according to the identity and objectives of the organization, and can be complemented by sustainable certifications and annual sustainable reports. Likewise, we implement the negative impact or social and environmental cost of the organization, taking it to action through investment in assets and carbon footprint, water footprint, circular economy, waste management, workers and community training, etc ...
(b) Literacy in sustainable concepts: through lectures and courses in various subjects on sustainability; Introduction sustainability, sustainable development goals, blue economy, circular economy, carbon footprint, water footprint, among other issues related to sustainability.
(c) Promotion of sustainability through platforms: we promote a cultural innovation consisting in achieving personal change through sharing and delivering knowledge. We do it through our website (, Instagram (foundation_ansgar), tweeter and LinkedIn.
2. Regarding climate change and specifically global warming, we are interested in conducting research that translates into work and action that promotes the care and perseverance of our Glaciers. Especially, the Paloma Glacier, for being in our basin of the Metropolitan Region. We have a legal and doctrinal background that supports our investigation and subsequent action, but we need a technical collaboration like the one your Laboratory carried out in the Río Copiapó basin.
3. Our action is framed in the concepts covered in the aforementioned documents and in what is known as CLIMATE JUSTICE. We have memberships to international entities, with expertise in legal knowledge and in sustainable matters; with the collaboration of an environmental activist for years for the protection of this glacier.
We finally embrace the conviction that sustainable management must be an effective tool for the protection of our natural resources and environmental systems; And, it can be! More than 80% of the Chilean population lives and works in the Metropolitan Region, a large part of that population does not have literacy and the ability to prevent what can happen if the global temperature increase continues and if our glaciers disappear from here to 2030
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Civil Society Organisation
Area of interest
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development
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-33.4156064, -70.5981169

Augusto Leguía 100 oficina 810 Las Condes
Región Metropolitana
Relevant Projects
Now, it is imperative to carry out alphabetization in the climatic concepts and sustainable development goals. In our country, caring for the environment is only recycling and companies internally assess whether or not they are sustainable, without any standard. There is no synergy or connection between the common citizen, the organization or company and the causes and consequences of climate change in our land and in our lives. The bridge or union is climate alphabetization.
Relevant Publications
1. Sustainable development: objective and management for an organization. Are we leaders?
2. Environmental transparency and sustainable management: imperatives for every company and organization
3. the world needs to cut the CO2 released into the atmosphere in half in the next decade, to overcome the worst of the climate crisis
Technical Advice