Forum about the oportunities for El Salvador within the relations with the European Union and the role of the Central American Parliament and the Parliament of the European Union

The Central American Parliament (Parlamento Centroamericano, PARLACEN) organises the "Forum about the oportunities for El Salvador within the relations with the European Union and the role of the Central American Parliament and the Parliament of the European Union ("Foro sobre Oportunidades para El Salvador en las relaciones con la Unión Europea y el Papel del Parlamento Centroamericano y del Parlamento Europeo"). The event will take place on the 31 October 2013 in San Salvador, El Salvador.

To this Forum were invited different participants of political and social sectors of El Salvador, with the aim to inform about the achievements of the relations with the European Union. Additionally, different Members of the European Parliament were also invited, including members of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Central America (DCAM).

Among the speakers is the President of the DCAM, Emine Bozkurt, who will discuss about the EP role in the relations with Central America. The importance of this Forum lies in the information provided to public opinion about the progresses of the bi-regional relations, as well as in the visibility given to these integration Parliaments.