Follow-up Meeting on the Matrix of Objectives and Strategic Lines for the Construction of the Common Area of Higher Education of the EU and LAC

In fulfilling its mandate to address and make visible the priorities of the bi-regional partnership, the EU-LAC Foundation has been supporting inclusive and results-oriented dialogue and cooperation initiatives between the various academic actors in both regions. Starting in 2017, the EU-LAC Foundation has promoted the process of building an instrument called Matrix of Objectives and Strategic Lines for the Construction of the Common Area of Higher Education EU-LAC, in order to have a reference document agreed between bi- regional, regional and sub-regional academic actors, on the actions needed to make the EU-LAC Common Area of Higher Education a reality, and to identify some initiatives that are currently contributing to this agreed framework. The main idea has been to place, in a single document, well-articulated information on academic cooperation at bi-regional level, and to make it available to all interested actors for their own benefit, and thus allow mutual knowledge to be increased and (potential) synergies between ongoing and future initiatives to be made visible.

The next step, foreseen in the Work Programme of the EU-LAC Foundation for the current year (2021), is to reconvene the bi-regional, regional and sub-regional academic and university networks of the EU and LAC to agree on priority areas of action contained in the Matrix that can be implemented in the short and medium term, and identify those initiatives that could eventually be undertaken jointly, in order to create greater synergies and strengthen the work of each of the entities that have contributed to the construction of the Common Area of Higher Education EU-LAC.

This activity aimed at promoting an open and constructive dialogue between the different relevant bi- regional, regional and sub-regional academic and university associations that have been contributing with their actions to the construction and strengthening of the Common Area of Higher Education EU-LAC. Simultaneously, the participants updated the document “Matrix of Objectives and Strategic Lines for the Construction of the Common Area of Higher Education EU-LAC”.

Participation is by personal invitation only.