FLACSO-ISA Conference: The EU, Latin America and the Caribbean - Partners in global governance?

The EU-LAC Foundation participated in the International Conference held from 23 to 25 July in Buenos Aires under the banner of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) and the International Studies Association (ISA) opening spaces for debate on the role played by the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean as regional powers in the multipolar world emerged at the dawn of the 21st century.

The academic José Antonio Sanahuja, from Madrid’s Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, and Bettina Trueb, coordinator of the EU-LAC Foundation Programme Explore, were in charge of putting the debate forward, one in which also took part the academics Günther Maihold from Colegio de Mexico; Andrés Malamud, from Instituto de Ciencias Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, and Lorena Oyarzun, from Instituto de Asuntos Públicos de la Universidad de Chile (INAP).

In the panel of the FLACSO-ISA Conference sponsored by the Foundation under the theme "The European Union, Latin America and Caribbean: Powers in a multipolar world or partners in the global governance?", the experts analysed from the bi-regional perspective ideas, incentives and preferences when it comes to collaboration in the construction and consolidation of rules, institutions and regimes in different areas, such as human rights and democracy or the fight against the worldwide problem of drugs.  

The FLACSO-ISA Conference, "Regional and Global Powers in a Changing World" brought together nearly a thousand academics from 58 countries, which allowed to discuss the phenomenon of the emerging countries in international politics and their participation in the construction of new standards, governance institutions, development agendas and practices of citizenship.

The participation in this event allowed the Foundation to promote its work in the academic sector. The discussions will lead to a publication edited by the EU-LAC Foundation, which will be made available both in English and Spanish through its website.

The panel is part of the activities of the EU-LAC Foundation in its EU-LAC Forum on Global Governance, since the presented research will serve as input to guide the future editions of the Forum.