First Dialogue on Climate Action and Women

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The Foundation EU-LAC and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) are pleased to announce the first Dialogue on Climate Action and Women, focusing on “Leadership and inclusion of women in decision-making on implementation of climate action”. The event will take place in a hybrid format in the framework of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

In the current context, still marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become evident that global crises associated with health threats, climate change and biodiversity loss are not gender neutral, implying an aggravated exposure to the negative consequences of these crises for many women and girls. There is an urgent need to discuss strategies that allow current social contracts to be reviewed, address inequalities taking into account intersectional aspects and empower women as agents of change with the capacity to transform social and environmental spaces. Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean have a unique opportunity to share experiences, good practices, challenges and opportunities associated with a just gender transition towards new development models. It is therefore necessary to open an inclusive space for discussion around concrete proposals to recognize, value and promote the empowerment of women as key actors in climate action and disaster risk reduction.

Therefore, the EU-LAC Foundation and the UNDP, being key players in generating multi-stakeholder and multi-level dialogues on issues of great relevance for the cooperation of LAC countries and the EU, propose to develop a series of inclusive interregional dialogues to identify obstacles and opportunities in common and make visible good practices and innovative solutions that will allow progress towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction.

The series of dialogues will be articulated around three main themes:

  1. Leadership and inclusion of women in decision-making on implementation of climate actions.
  2. Emerging issues in gender and climate change: just energy transition, electric mobility, nature-based solutions, climate resilience and gender-transformative risk management.
  3. The transition to just and low-carbon economies and new gender-transformative development models.