‘The eye thinks’, a look at the Latin American art

"La Casa de América Latina en Paris" organises a cycle of conferences and panel discussions about the art and the Latin American artists who have lived and worked at the French capital. Which role has been played by Paris in the development of Latin American art? Who are those artists that choosed the Frech capital for living and working? Who are the Latin American artists today? Those are some key issues in this new cycle which will be developed from December 2015 unltil June 2016 in "La Casa de América Latina en París" under the title "L'oeil pense" (The eye thinks).

The cycle will be organised in collaboration with IESA (L'Institut d’Etudes Supérieures des Arts) of Paris, institution that opened this year a deparment of Latin American art and will be open also to the general public. "The eye thinks" will count on great specialists and experts of art and Latin American artists.

For further information, please visit the official website of the event here (in French).