The Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Dr Adrián Bonilla, participated in the 5th Anniversary of the OECD LAC Regional Programme

On 28 May 2021 (16:00 – 18:80 CEST), the OECD LAC Regional Programme (LACRP) commemorated its 5th Anniversary. The LAC Regional Programme, launched in 2016 by the OECD, has had as its main goal supporting the region in advancing reforms in three critical priorities: increasing Productivity, enhancing Social Inclusion and strengthening Institutions and Governance.

The 5th-anniversary celebration allowed Leaders to discuss related advances achieved while reflecting on how the COVID-19 crisis is influencing and reinforcing these priorities. It also allowed Ministers from OECD and LAC countries to exchange on the relevance of the OECD-LAC partnership, notably during this complex international juncture where shared values are more crucial than ever. Lastly, Heads of International Organisations were invited to contribute to the discussion on how to promote a strong, inclusive, resilient and green recovery in LAC.

The Executive Director of the EU-LAC International Foundation, Dr Adrián Bonilla, participated in the Roundtable “Synergies within the LACRP to promote a strong, inclusive, resilient and green recovery in LAC“. He emphasized, that for the EU-LAC Foundation, collaborations with organisations such as the OECD are fundamental because it allows us to fulfil its mandate. Over the years, the EU-LAC Foundation has maintained a very productive partnership with the OECD, especially through joint initiatives with the Development Centre, which have resulted in various publications and events, of which it is worth mentioning the frequent participation of the OECD Development Centre in the traditional “Reflection Forums” as well as the Foundation's collaboration in the preparation of the OECD flagship report “Latin America Economic Outlook”.

The Latin America and the Caribbean region has been hit hard by the crisis triggered by the pandemic and together with the OECD, the Foundation has been highlighting the importance of the “Development in Transition” narrative to be taken in the context of such recovery.

“Therefore, I would like to reaffirm our interest in continuing to strengthen the increasingly strategic relationship between the OECD and the region to also contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the region.”