An Evening with LACalytics: Discussion, Dialogue & Reception

In the framework oft he publication of the study „ EU-LAC Cooperation in the 21st Century: Combining Efforts in a Globalised World“ coordinated by the programme LACalytics of the Young Initiative on Foreign Affairs and International Relations (IFAIR e.V.), a closing ceremony will take place at the Hamburg Town Hall.

Distinguished guests will discuss the publication, which was supported by the EU-LAC Foundation and under patronage of the Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Federal Foreign Office, Dieter Lamlé.

 Among others, the following guests will be present:

  • Theresa Lieb, Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Executive Board Member of IFAIR
  • Wiltrud Kern, the Deputy Head for Southern Cone States, Brazil, and Fundamental issuer of LAC in the German Federal Foreign Office
  • Dr. Mark Heinzel on behalf of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK)
  • Dr. Anna Barrera on behalf of the EU-LAC Foundation

To assist and know more details, please register on the page of the event.

The publication can be downloaded from our page.