The European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean: Convergent and sustainable strategies in the current global environment

This publication is a result of the joint work between CEPAL, as strategic partner of the EU-LAC Foundation and with the support of the European Union.

The document “The European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean: Convergent and sustainable strategies in the current global environment” serves as a contribution for the Foreign Minister Summit of the Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU), held on July 16-17 in Brussels, Belgium.

The publication describes the current globalisation crisis, presents a panorama of the economic, social and environmental situations in both regions, examines existing trade and productive integration and addresses the potential role to be played by new technologies and digitalization, as well as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in more inclusive productive development.

The text also analyses the challenges of economies in transition and identifies concrete spaces for cooperation, both in the area of macroeconomic policies, science and infrastructure, technology and innovation, as well as in strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change, to name a few.