European & Latin American Technology Based Business Network (ELAN Network) First Meeting

The event, which will have a regional Mesoamerican character, will count on the participation of organisations and companies, especially SMEs, from Costa Rica and the entire Central American and Caribbean region. On this occasion, the prioritised sectors are Nano / Biotechnology, ICTs and Renewable /Alternative Energies, all of them convergent technologies that are the basis of the National Development Plan of Costa Rica and most of the countries of the region and drivers of their economies.

To maximise the results of the event, it will be coordinated with the international fair ExpoPYME 2017, which develops both business rounds and product displays, productive linkages with national and international partners and training of entrepreneurs, among other activities, and has a forecast attendance of about 14,000 visitors.

ELAN Network in figures

1.839 participants in ELAN Network events and missions, more than 400 European participants in ELAN Network events in LAC, 17 co-creation sessions, on average 450 connections established per event and 478 Technology Based Business Opportunities identified between European and Latin-American companies, are some of the relevant results of the activity of the Network throughout its 2 years of existence.

For further information please visit the official website of the event.