European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils

The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) is a network of advisory bodies established by national or regional governments. EEAC members offer independent advice to their respective national or regional governments, proposing solutions and new understandings of the critical challenges facing our societies and the planet.With representatives from academia, civil society, the private sector and public bodies the EEAC network brings together independent experts with years of experience producing independent advice related to the environment and sustainable development. Members of the network share their experiences and perspectives with each other. They strive to be mutually supportive, to learn from each other, and to respect and promote viewpoints which transcend national perspectives and are vital for achieving sustainable development and a healthy and resilient state of environment in the European area and beyond.
Geographical level
Type of organisation
Public Institutions
Area of interest
Climate Change and Environment
Economy and Sustainable Development
EEAC office c/o SRU  Berlin SRU-Geschäftstelle Luisenstrasse 46 10117 Berlin Germany.