EU-LAC Keynote Lecture Series: 'Is 'strategic autonomy' a response to international crisis?

Keynote Lecture with Susanne Gratius on 'Is 'strategic autonomy' a response to the international crisis?

Within the framework of the series of lectures 'The Europe-Latin America relationship in the contemporary international order', Professor for International Relations at the Law Faculty of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Susanne Gratius, held a Keynote Lecture on 'Is 'strategic autonomy' a response to the international crisis?'.

The keynote lecture  addresses the issue of the 'strategic autonomy' of Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, a subject that has sparked differing debates in both regions. In order to develop this objective, throughout the talk we tried to find points of convergence between the positions that arise in the two regions, in order to reflect, firstly, on whether regional autonomy is the way to obtain advantages in a possible reordering of the international order; and, secondly, on what efforts can both regions make together to have greater visibility, influence and projection in the dynamics of the international system.