EU-LAC Keynote Lecture Series: 'How does the international reorder look like from Mexico? Implications for EU-LAC relations'

Keynote Lecture by Guadalupe González on 'How does the international reorder look like from Mexico? Implications for EU-LAC relations'.

Within the framework of the series of lectures 'The Europe-Latin America relationship in the contemporary international order', Associate Professor of the Centre for International Studies at the College of Mexico, Guadalupe González held a Keynote Lecture on 'What does the international reorder look like from Mexico? Implications for EU-LAC relations'.

The keynote lecture offers an analysis on how Mexico perceives the international reordering, and its implications, in the projection of its foreign policy and the understanding of the bi-regional relationship: Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe. As a consequence, Guadalupe González presented a brief historical perspective of Mexican foreign policy, along with a description of the changes and challenges that arise from global issues. In turn, a review is made of the aspirations and potential of Mexico as a middle power, also presenting different data on the perception of Mexico's role in Latin America and the Caribbean.