EU-LAC Keynote Lecture Series: 'Geopolitics meets values: EU-LAC relations before and after COVID-19'

Keynote Lecture with Dr Gian Luca Gardini on 'Geopolitics meets values: EU-LAC relations before and after COVID-19'.

Within the framework of the series of lectures 'The Europe-Latin America relationship in the contemporary international order', Professor for International Relations and Latin American Politics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Dr Gian Luca Gardini, held a Keynote Lecture on the 'Geopolitics meets values: EU-LAC relations before and after COVID-19'.

He offered a conceptual analysis of the geopolitical configuration of the relationship between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, an issue that is not always structured around the fundamental values and interests that both regions share. In order to achieve this objective, he presented the conditions under which the bi-regional relationship is framed in the international context, in order to reflect, firstly, on costs and benefits of further deepening said relationship; and, secondly, on what proposals can be made to create an agenda that unites values and strategic aspects, which allow the bi-regional relationship to be energised.