EU-LAC Foundation President Benita Ferrero-Waldner participated at the VI Conference “Italy – Latin America and the Caribbean”

On 12th and 13th December 2013 the EU-LAC Foundation President Benita Ferrero-Waldner participated at the VI Conference “Italy-Latin America and the Caribbean” in Rome. The event was organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affaires and included the participation of high-profile guests namely the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú, among others and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza.

President Ferrero-Waldner has participated on the Fourth Session titled “EU-CELAC Dialogue: Role and Prospects” which also counted with interventions by Mr. Donato Di Santo, Conference Coordinator Italy-Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Roberto Maroni, President of Lombardy Region, Italy, Mr. Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretary General of the General Secretariat (SEGIB) and Mr. Roland Schäfer, Director for the Americas for the European External Action Service (EEAS).

In her speech, the President of the EU-LAC Foundation, pointed out the importance of EU-CELAC dialogue as a mechanism for improving the participation of the two regions in the globalization: “is crucial to adapt the EU-CELAC association to an international context that is rapidly changing (…) and this we have to do it from our activity, in the diplomacy, academy, enterprise or civil society”. Furthermore, the President emphasised the great value that has the bi-regional relation and the necessity to reinforce the ties, collaborating on issues of mutual interest and developing the Strategic Partnership potential. 

Finally, Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner emphasized the common work in support to the PyMEs of the two regions. On this point, she commented about the EU-LAC´s Foundation “VENTURE” programme and the importance of the support of the strategic partners, such as the CEPAL and the Lombardy Region, Italy.   

The Conference concluded with a Final Declaration, which established that countries will seek to strengthen relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean through enhanced political dialogue, economic integration and social inclusion, territorial development as well as through food security and combating poverty. The document also recognized the increasing economic and trade relations and the growth of the investment between Italy and the region.

Read the EU-LAC Foundation President’s speech [in Spanish] here.

For further information on the event please check official website here.