The EU-LAC Foundation is pleased to announce the EU-LAC Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum on Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation, and Social Cohesion

EU-LAC Multi-Actor Forum

The EU-LAC Foundation is pleased to announce the EU-LAC Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum on Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation, and Social Cohesion.

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The EU-LAC Foundation, in collaboration with the School of International Relations at the National University, Costa Rica, is organising the "Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum: Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation, and Social Cohesion", which will be held on 4 October 2023, in San Jose, Costa Rica.

The Forum will bring together leaders from civil society organizations (CSOs), academia, international organizations, and governments to discuss and follow up on the outcomes of the recent 2023 EU-CELAC Summit. The Forum will focus on the Summit agreements around bi-regional cooperation on key aspects of Just Green Transition, Inclusive Digital Transformation, and Social Cohesion, with a cross-cutting focus on gender equality and knowledge societies. Participants will analyse the priorities and commitments of the 2023 EU-CELAC Summit and discuss strategies for their implementation, with a specific emphasis on involving CSOs.

The Multi-Actor Dialogue Forum is a high-level event that was highlighted in “EU-CELAC Roadmap 2023-2025” The Forum outcomes will include concrete proposals for the implementation and follow-up of the commitments made at the EU-CELAC 2023 Summit from civil society, as well as opportunities for collaboration between sub-regional, regional, and bi-regional networks and initiatives.

The Forum has been organised in coordination with the I Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability, scheduled to take place in San José, Costa Rica on 5 October 2023, and organised by the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Programme of the OECD, the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica.