EU-LAC Foundation participates in the Long Night of Consulates 2024

Noche Larga Consulados 1

A new edition of the Long Night of the Consulates took place this April 30, filling the city of Hamburg with international culture. The activities began at 4 pm and lasted until 10 pm, all with free admission, and included jazz concerts, cultural activities and exhibitions, all with the stamp of culture and tradition of countries as diverse as Portugal, Argentina, Honduras or Ukraine.  


The EU-LAC Foundation participated by opening its doors to those who were interested in getting to know us. We prepared a series of interactive maps of Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as stations to learn more about the foundation and two quizzes, which proved immensely popular. 

Noche Larga Honduras

But the celebration did not stop at the activities organized by the EU-LAC Foundation. A mariachi band coordinated by Hamburg-Mexico E.V., who also participated with a Margarita stand, officially opened the event. Their colleagues from Uvas de México accompanied them with a wine tasting, which was set up one door away from the other tasting of beverages, the coffee of the world brought by The International Women's Coffee Alliance (IFKAD). The last guest was the Consulate of Honduras, who not only set up their own very popular stand with food and samples of their culture, but also offered a screening of a documentary about their culture and folklore. 


The official program of the event was as follows:
18:00 Mariachi with Hamburg-Mexiko e.V.
18:30 Wine tasting with Uvas de México
19:00 Coffee tasting with der International Women's Coffee Alliance (IFKAD)
20:00 Quiz of the EU-LAC Foundation
21:00 Discovering Honduras, with the Consulate of Honduras in Germany. 


From the EU-LAC Foundation we are very grateful to our partners in the event, including the Hamburg-Mexico Association, Uvas de Mexico, the International Women's Coffee Alliance (IFKAD) and the Embassy of the Republic of Honduras in Germany.


We would also like to give a special thanks to Andy Grote, Senator for the City of Hamburg, for visiting us and being part of this Long Night of Consulates 2024.

Noche Consulados Andy