The EU-LAC Foundation participates in the Latin American and Caribbean Week of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

The EU-LAC Foundation had an important presence in the sixth Latin American and Caribbean Week (SALC), organised on a yearly basis by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. In the context of its strategic partnership with the Institut des Amériques, the EU-LAC Foundation organised the international conference: “resources, development and inequalities in rural territories”, jointly with the French Development Agency (AFD). This two-day seminar gathered experts from both regions who discussed the asymmetries and inequalities between urban and rural territories and how to promote sustainable development of rural areas.

Also, the Foundation showcased two of its more recent publications. The book "Sustainable and inclusive cities, a common challenge for Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean", coordinated by Catherine Paquette, researcher at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), is the result of the colloquium, that the Foundation co-organised with the IDA and the AFD during the SALC 2018. This book describes the key elements for building sustainable cities that are also inclusive and that generate opportunities for all.

“Good practices and innovations for the inclusion of young women in the labour market in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union”, coordinated by María Rosa Renzi, aims to analise good practices to reduce gender gaps in the access to employment opportunities. This study, presented at the headquarters of the Institute of Latin American Studies of the University of Paris 3 (IHEAL), was funded by the EU-LAC Foundation and the EU programme EUROSociAL+.

Finally, this mission was the opportunity to celebrate the transformation of the Foundation into an International Organisation. For this occasion, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs convened several Ambassadors, academics and French public officials at the French Development Agency.