The EU-LAC Foundation participates in activities of the CELAC-EU process in Panama and El Salvador

The President Leonel Fernández and the Executive Director Paola Amadei will be in the salvadorean capital on the first week in October. In Panama, the Executive Director of the Foundation will participate as speaker in the session upon “Including multilateralism, the paper of the civil society in the strategic CELAC-EU relations” during the 9th Meeting of the Organized Civil Society of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

The President of the Foundation is going to participate in the Magistral Conference of “The paper of the universities in the Agenda 2030: link between the Objectives of sustainable Development and higher education, science, technology and innovation” within the Academic Chamber of knowledge which is to be held in the salvadorean capital.  The Academic Chamber of knowledge will be realised supported by the CELAC Pro Témpore Presidency and by the Ministry of Foreign Affaires of El Salvador. The host entity is the University of El Salvador which counts with the support of the Organising Comité constituted by the Consejo Superior de Universidades de Centroamérica (CSUCA), Espacio Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Educación Superior (ENLACES), European University Asociation (EUA), Unión de Universidades de América Latina (UDUAL), Cumbre de Presidentes de Consejos de Rectores CELAC- UE and  The Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes (UNICA).


The Academic Chamber of knowledge is to be celebrated within the “Knowledge Week  EU-CELAC”. The week will start with the Meeting of High Officials of Science and Technology CELAC-EU supported by the Pro Temporé Presidency of CELAC, within whom the Foundation is to be represented by its Executive Director. The Knowledge Week includes an informative event about the ERASMUS+ and Horizon 2020 programmes whose objectives are the promotion of opportunities for the academic and scientific cooperation between Latin America, the Carribean and Europe as well as a seminary about the recognition of study periodes abroad and will be concluded by the Academic Chamber of knowledge, which has been mentioned above.

The participation of the Foundation gains visibility through a series of actions dedicated to the promotion of academic and scientific cooperation with the objective to contribute to the creation of the CELAC-EU Higher Education Area.