The EU-LAC Foundation, jointly with EUROsociAL+, the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru and the Inter-American Centre for the Development of Knowledge in Vocational Training of the ILO, promote youth employability and company productivity

The EU-LAC Foundation, together with EUROsocial+, the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru, and the Inter-American Centre for the Development of Knowledge in Vocational Training of the International Labour Organisation (CINTERFOR-ILO), held the seminar: "More young people in companies. How to integrate work and training as a way to improve youth employability and productivity of enterprises", in Lima.

In front of prominent representatives of the private sector, civil society, education and employability experts, Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation, Sylvia Cáceres Pizarro, Minister of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru, Diego Mellado, Ambassador of the European Union to Peru, Juan Manuel Santomé, Director of EUROsociAL+, and Enrique Deibe, Director of the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training (CINTERFOR-ILO), met to discuss youth employability policies and how to improve them.

During this seminar, the results of 13 successful experiences in involving companies in the training of future graduates were presented, which made it possible to reverse youth unemployment and improve productivity.

From 2018 onwards, the EU-LAC Foundation and the EUROsociAL+ Programme began to work together in this perspective, with the aim of building bridges between governments, civil society, and institutions large and small. Both institutions have jointly edited a publication that addresses the employability of youth in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean: How does employability generate for youth? For Paola Amadei, "training is an instrument to strengthen bi-regional competitiveness while allowing social inclusion".