The EU-LAC Foundation and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre sign a Cooperation Agreement

During a meeting held on 28 August, the European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean (EU-LAC) Foundation and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) signed a Cooperation Agreement which shall entry into force with immediate effect for an initial period of five (5) years. 

This Agreement, signed by Dr Adrián Bonilla, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation and Dr Colin Young, Executive Director of the CCCCC, will enable both international organisations to jointly identify opportunities to cooperate in areas of mutual interest.

These areas may include the developments of relations between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean with regards to an international agenda about climate change.

This collaboration may also adopt the forms of joint organisation of events, realisation of seminars and workshops as well as the exchange of relevant information and documents (for instance in relation to access to climate financing, adaptation, mitigation and transparency, as well as developments in both regions within the field of climate change related topics).