EU-LAC cooperation to combat the Illicit Maritime Trade of Drugs

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The illicit traffic of drugs between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean has reached critical levels, particularly through maritime routes, therefore more and enhanced cooperation is imperative to counter this transnational crime and its effects on societies and economies of ports cities. This seminar, organised by the EU-LAC Foundation, aims to promote a dialogue between key civil society actors, governments and international organisations on the illicit maritime trade of drugs between both regions as well as to examine current and future forms of bi-regional cooperation.

The seminar, to be held in the context of the Crime Fighting Week organised by the European Commission, will take place in Spanish and English, with simultaneous interpretation. 

When? Monday, 10 June 2024

  • 09:30 - 10: 10.00 hr. Registration
  • 10.00-13.00 hr. Seminar

Where? Albert Borschette Congress Center, room CCAB 0.D,
Rue Froissart 36, Brussels, Belgium.

How? In person