EU-LAC Cooperation in the 21st Century: Combining efforts in a globalised world

Today the study “EU-LAC Cooperation in the 21st Century: Combining efforts in a globalised world” was launched by the initiative LACalytics from the Young Initiative on Foreign Affairs and International Relations (IFAIR e.V.). The publication will be presented on the 25th of October 2016 during a final conference in the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany.

The EU-LAC Foundation supports the LACalytics program through funds from the German Federal Foreign Ministry, which also supports the initiative with the direct patronage of the Regional Representative for Latin America and the Carribean, Mr Dieter Lamlé.

The initiative started off with a call for papers from IFAIR through its initiative LACalytics directed to students, recently graduated researchers and young professionals from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the European Union. Their publication pursues to increase the understanding between the two regions and to raise young people’s impact on foreign policy-making.

The articles cover four thematic fields: economics, politics, environment and civil society. The outcome of this process shows that the objective of generating fresh perspectives on important issues of the bi-regional agenda as well as innovative recommendations towards the political decision-making level has been accomplished.

211 proposals were received, from which 46 authors originating from 23 countries were selected to work as bi-regional pairs. The twelve best contributions were chosen for the publication.

To download the study in English, Spanish and Portuguese, please click here. All contributions are available online on IFAIR’s website.