EU-Central America Dialogue Sessions: New Partnerships for Development

Watch the first day here!

Watch the second day here!

The EU-LAC Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama, the OECD Development Centre, and the Carolina Foundation cordially invited you to the EU-Central America Dialogue Sessions: New Partnerships for Development.

The EU's commitment to the Central American integration process is far-reaching and one of its main pillars is the EU-Central America Association Agreement signed on 29 June 2012, the first 'region-to-region' agreement signed by the EU. This agreement is based on three complementary and equally important pillars, namely political dialogue, cooperation and trade, which reinforce each other and multiply their effects to support economic growth, democracy and political stability in Central America.

In its Multiannual Programme 2021-2027, the EU will continue its intense cooperation to address shared challenges such as climate change, digital transformation and inclusive and peaceful development, as well as support the integration process, including SICA and the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), the implementation of the Association Agreement, among others.

The overall objective of the "EU-Central America Dialogue Sessions: New Partnerships for Development" was to provide a platform for renewed political and technical dialogue to strengthen and give visibility to the bi-regional partnership while discussing and proposing ways to jointly address pending development challenges such as green transition and fair digital transformation in the framework of sustainable post-pandemic recovery. The International Youth and Employment Forum also aimed to focus on strategies to improve youth employability, based on the exchange of lessons learned from the policies adopted by the governments of the region before the pandemic and in the context of its confrontation and recovery.

Access the agenda in the attachment.
