The EU-CELAC agenda in times of global interregionalism

On the occasion of the XXXVI LASA Congress "Latin American Studies in a Globalized World" held this year in Barcelona, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB ) and the EU-LAC Foundation will host the event "The EU-CELAC agenda in times of global interregionalism. A vision from the academy" . It is a unique opportunity to try to give a new perspective to relations from an approach that transcends bi-regionalism to become a global inter-regionalism and contributes to responding to international challenges and strengthening multi-level multilateral governance.

The University of Havana, and both the LASA's Europe Latin America Section and the Cuba Section largely collaborate to this event.

The Conference is co- financed by the EU-LAC Foundation, which is financed through voluntary contributions of its Member Countries and in particular the European Union and Germany.

This event is part of the six events that has been selected after a competitive process, based on the Annual Call for co-financing events on topics relevant to the bi-regional partnership between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean.

For further informoation, please visit the official webpage