End of the commodity boom and Trump’s election as US president: a turning point in Latin America and the Caribbean

The end of the commodity boom has brought the Latin American economies in a crisis from which most of the countries will only recover gradually. Programs of structural adaptation, i.e. the cut of subsidies and the increase of taxes, as well as the state of emergency of some parts of the population caused social unrest and political instability.

In terms of international politics Latin America and the Caribbean are again under threat of being marginalized. At the same time no other region will perceive the repercussions of the power shift in the US stronger as this one. What risks represents the presidency of Donald Trump for Latin America? Will the influence of China as a rival power increase and strengthen its orientation towards the Pacific? What role will Europe have in this region? These topics among others will be discussed at the GIGA Forum. The event is a joint initiative of GRULAC (Group of Consuls of Latin America and the Caribbean), the Cervantes Institute and GIGA.


  • Paola Amadei, Executive Director EU-LAC Foundation
  • Markus Rosenberger, Team Leader Latin America at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS)
  • Dr. Svenja Blanke, Director of the Division for Latin America & Caribbean at the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES)
  • Christoph G. Schmitt, Managing Director LAV (Lateinamerika Verein e.V.)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Detlef Nolte, Director of the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies

Date and place: 15.02.2017 at 18.00h


Neuer Jungfernstieg 21

20354 Hamburg

For more information about the Forum and the registration visit the official webpage of the event