The Dominican Republic ratifies the Agreement that establishes the EU-LAC Foundation as an International Organisation

The Dominican Republic became the 22nd member to ratify the agreement that will transform the EU-LAC Foundation into an international organisation, thus the 8th State of CELAC to do so. With this ratification, the required threshold of 8 per region, for the entry into force of the Agreement was achieved, partly due to the demarches by the President of the Foundation Leonel Fernández.

The Dominican Republic thus attests its contribution to the strengthening of the Foundation as an instrument of the bi-regional partnership, mutual knowledge and understanding between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. This ratification imply the entry into force of the Agreement, allowing the EU-LAC Foundation to officially be recognized as a genuine bi-regional organisation and be better equipped to fulfil its ambitious mandate.


About the EU-LAC Foundation 

The European Union - Latin America and the Caribbean Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation) is an organisation that works to strengthen economic, cultural, political and scientific cooperation between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, whose headquarters are in Hamburg. The Foundation was created in the framework of the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government of the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, held in 2010 in Madrid. The 33 States of Latin America and the Caribbean, the 28 members of the European Union, as well as the European Union, constitute the 62 members of the Foundation. The Foundation is the result of the first and only agreement that includes all, and exclusively, the members of the European Union, the EU itself and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.