Design contest for the 2018 “Lateinamerika Herbst” Festival

The “Lateinamerika Karibik Herbst” (Latin American and Caribbean Fall) Festival takes place every year in Hamburg since 2014. It aims to enhance the knowledge and visibility of Latin America in Hamburg through a series of wide ranging events. The Festival is an initiatve of the City of Hamburg together with the CELAC Consulates and Embassies, and the EU LAC Foundation will once again take charge of the General Coordination. The central topic of the 2018 edition is “Inclusion and Participation of Women” and will take place launching a call for the design of the festival’s official poster. Join us with your fresh ideas and help us make the “Lateinamerika Herbst” a success!

How can I apply?

The contest is open for nationals from the 61 Member Countries of the EU-LAC Foundation within an age range of 18-30 years. The poster must include the name of the Festival in German “Lateinamerika Karibik Herbst” and must be inspired in this year’s topic “Inclusion and Participation of Women”. The duration of the festival, 18th September – 21st     December, must be visible (written in a day.month.year format), as well as the official hashtag #LACHerbst, the website and the festival’s official Social Media channels. Any other text added to the poster should be in German or Spanish. The festival reaches the countries of Latin America and includes the Caribbean so preference will be given to designs that depict the Festival’s geographic reach.

Deadline: Please send your proposal on digital format until 12th July  to with the title “Lateinamerika Herbst poster”. The winner will be contacted by email and will receive an official recognition along with a price of €300.