Dealing with the drug problem: towards evidence-based policies, by Koenders

The Netherlands and the European Union have strong track records of developing evidence-based policies on drugs. The available evidence leads us to conclude that drug policies should strike a balance, combining sensible measures that curb the demand for and supply of drugs with full respect for human rights. The upcoming United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem provides an opportunity to rethink international drug law enforcement and its consequences for security and development. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is both European and Caribbean, is a natural partner for Latin American countries in promoting evidence-based policies, developing an intelligent approach to law enforcement and public health, focusing on violence reduction, and contributing to the health and welfare of society. Read paper

Bert Koenders is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

This paper was prepared for the EU-LAC Foundation’s Newsletter of March 2016 on the theme “The World Drug Problem”. At the time of publishing The Netherlands was holding the EU’s rotating Presidency.