Cultural Cooperation between European, Latin American and Caribbean countries: Concepts, Strategies and Good practices

In the EU-CELAC Declaration 2023 the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) affirmed their commitment to foster broad people-to people contacts. For cultural institutions and actors, this reaffirmation has been an important message, as the creative industries have faced considerable challenges in the past years.

Therefore, the EU-LAC Foundation has commissioned two distinguished consultants with the elaboration of the present publication to reflect on the state of International Cultural Cooperation in a context characterised by multiple global and regional crises and challenges, to broaden perspectives and contents, to identify new actors and to generate proposals on strategies, instruments and practices which have the potential to strengthen cultural cooperation between European, Latin American and Caribbean societies.

We hope that the approaches, recommendations and criteria outlined in this publication can not only be considered in the formulation of cultural programmes and public policies, but that they serve as a source of inspiration for exchanges and initiatives between cultural actors and institutions in the coming years.